file BitMapLisp.txt Copyright (C) 1996 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. ABOUT BITMAP... Copyright (C) 1996 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. Distribute freely in areas where the laws of copyright apply. Use at your own risk. Do not distribute modified copies. These various BitMap libraries are for free! This file describes the Macintosh Common Lisp interface to the bitmap routines. ABOUT THE AUTHOR... Comments, questions, or suggestions are always welcome. John Montbriand P.O. Box. 1133 Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada S7K 3N2 WHY IS IT FOR FREE? none of your business, but if you have some business for me, I'll see what I can do.. OUTLINE OF TOPICS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BITMAPS, WHAT ARE THEY? IMPLEMENTATION NOTES MATERIALS LEGAL STUFF FURTHER REFERENCE SERVICES PROVIDED (OVERVIEW) BE CAREFUL (CAVEATS) OTHER COOL THINGS YOU CAN DO OVERVIEW OF ROUTINES SPECIFIC ROUTINE DESCRIPTIONS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To install the bitmaps package in your system, move the files BitMaps.lisp and BitMapsLib.o (found in the folder entitled 'Library Folder Stuff') into the 'Library' folder inside of the MCL directory. Once this has been done, the bitmaps package can be conveniently loaded and imported into the current package using the following commands: (require :bitmaps) (use-package :bitmaps) see the file BitMapExamples.lisp for an example of how to load the bitmaps package once it has been correctly installed in the Library folder. BITMAPS, WHAT ARE THEY? Well, they're like little black and white computer screens in memory that you can do drawing in before transfering the images you draw on them to the screen. Drawing things off screen and then placing them on screen creates the feel of instantaneous, flicker free drawing. BitMaps are a data structure used to store black and white images off-screen. You can use quickdraw to draw directly into bitmaps and create images for placement on the screen, or you can take images from the screen, place them in a bitmap, do various transformations to them, and then put them back on the screen. QuickDraw GrafPorts draw into BitMap structures, and, as a matter of fact, all screen drawing on early macintoshes was implemented through BitMaps that were memory mapped to the screen hardware. The big advantage: BitMaps provide a way to do simple high quality graphics while at the same time requiring very little memory. IMPLEMENTATION NOTES This implementation stores each bitmap in a single, contiguous, non-relocatable memory block refered to using a pointer. The first 14 bytes of the memory block contain the Bitmap data structure, while the remaining bytes are used to store the raster data. MATERIALS The BitMap format itself is the copyright property of Apple computer and has been known to the public since 1983. The routines documented herein are the copyright property of John Montbriand. I am making these routines available to the macintosh programming community because I feel it's about time someone did! They're fun, easy to use, and practical. I hope all who find them will use them well. Compiled and tested with MPW C, MWC, SC, MrC, MPW PPC, MCL2, MCL3. LEGAL STUFF These libraries are provided for free and you may use them in any program you make; however, if you're particular about having signed documentation that proves this fact in your posession then, as I would like to ensure these libraries are widely used, I would be glad provide such documents for you. I don't think this is entirly necessary, but I can understand that some folks feel quite strongly about such issues and prefer to do things in writing. If you would like for me to send you a signed document saying that you have license to use these routines in your programs, then send me a couple of bucks to cover postage and handling and I'll send you back a signed letter saying you have license to use these routines in any software you make. I think two or three dollars is fair as I don't really get a big thrill out of printing stuff out and mailing it, and that's usually enough to cover postage to anywhere in the world. I s'pose you'd have to figure out how much it would cost for me to mail a letter to you from here in Canada. FURTHER REFERENCE BitMap.h and BitMap.c contain routines for accessing and manipulating BitMap data stored in pointers. For more information about BitMaps, offscreen drawing, pointers, C, etc.. refer to the following sources: "Bitmaps" (2-9) in the "Basic QuickDraw" chapter of Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw by Apple Computer, Inc. Addison-Wesley. A discussion of the Bitmap data structure and how it applies to GrafPorts. "Boolean Transfer Modes With 1-Bit Pixels" (3-8) in the "QuickDraw Drawing" chapter of Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw by Apple Computer, Inc. Addison-Wesley. BitMaps are 1-Bit Pixel data structures. This part discusses the various transfer modes you can use while drawing into BitMaps. "Copying Bits Between Graphics Ports" (3-32) in the "QuickDraw Drawing" chapter of Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw by Apple Computer, Inc. Addison-Wesley. A discussion of the Bitmap data structure and how it applies to GrafPorts. "Copying Images" (3-112) in the "QuickDraw Drawing" chapter of Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw by Apple Computer, Inc. Addison-Wesley. A discussion of the CopyBits routine and the various parameter combinations you can use with it. This is followed by a discussion of the CopyMask routine. Technical note #163 "Adding Color With CopyBits" by Chris Derossi A discussion of how to draw in colour using bitmaps. Technical note #193 "So Many Bitmaps, So Little Time" by Rick Blair A look at the BitMapToRegion routine. Technical note #41 "Drawing Into an Offscreen Bitmap" by Jim Friedlander & Ginger Jernigan A talk about offscreen bitmaps, and how to use them. Inside Macintosh: Memory by Apple Computer, Inc. Addison-Wesley. A discussion of memory managment, pointers, what they are, and how to use them. The C Programming Language 2nd edition by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. Prentice Hall. Macintosh Common Lisp Reference Common Lisp 2nd edition by Guy L. Steele Jr. Digital Press. Comments for the routines provided herein have been included in the file BitMap.h. Also, there is a 411 help file. SERVICES PROVIDED (OVERVIEW) - routines for creating bitmap structures in memory. - rotate functions for rotating bitmaps 90 degrees left and right, - flip functions for flipping bitmap data both vertically and horizontally, - a trace edges routine for tracing the edges of an image, - a rotation routine for rotating a bitmap to a particular angle, - a routine for duplicating bitmaps, - a routine for comparing bitmaps, - routines providing the painbucket tool and lasso tool effects, - transfer routines for transfering bitmap data to and from the PICT format, - a complete set of logical operations on bitmaps, - a complete set of pixel oriented routines for testing, setting, clearing, and toggling individual pixels in bitmaps, - routines and a macro allowing you to quickly and easily draw into bitmaps, - routines for copying bitmap images to the current grafport, BE CAREFUL (CAVEATS) I think these routines are safe to use, but you should do your own testing. I have provided the source code, and if you find any bugs, please let me know right away so I can provide corrections in future versions. I advertise a finder's fee of $10.00 cash for errors in any of my products. OTHER COOL THINGS YOU CAN DO bitmaps provide a convenient, storage efficient way to implement zero - one adjacency matrices that are incredibly useful for working with directed graphs. OVERVIEW OF ROUTINES creating your own bitmaps: (new-bitmap width height) -> a bitmap (kill-bitmap bitmap &rest other-bitmaps) rotating a bitmap image 90 degrees to the left or to the right: (rotate-bitmap-right bitmap) -> a bitmap (rotate-bitmap-left bitmap) -> a bitmap flipping a bitmap image horizontally or vertically: (flip-bitmap-vertically bitmap) -> a bitmap (flip-bitmap-horizontally bitmap) -> a bitmap rotating a bitmap image to a particular angle: (rotate-bitmap bitmap h-center v-center angle) -> a bitmap duplicating a bitmap: (duplicate-bitmap bitmap) -> a bitmap the paint bucket function: (paint-bucket-bitmap bitmap h v) -> a bitmap the lasso function: (lasso-bitmap bitmap) -> a bitmap the trace edges function: (trace-bitmap-edges bitmap) -> a bitmap transfer functions for converting to and from the PICT format: (picture-to-bitmap bitmap) -> a bitmap (bitmap-to-picture bitmap) -> a picture logical operations on bitmaps: (and-bitmaps bitmap-a bitmap-b) -> a bitmap (or-bitmaps bitmap-a bitmap-b) -> a bitmap (xor-bitmaps bitmap-a bitmap-b) -> a bitmap (complement-bitmap bitmap) -> a bitmap comparison: (equal-bitmaps bitmap-a bitmap-b) -> T or NIL pixel oriented functions: (test-bitmap-pixel bitmap x y) -> T or NIL (set-bitmap-pixel bitmap hpos vpos) (clear-bitmap-pixel bitmap hpos vpos) (toggle-bitmap-pixel bitmap x y) -> T or NIL routines for drawing into bitmaps: (with-focused-bitmap bitmap {form}*) -> bitmap routines for copying bitmap data: (plot-bitmap bitmap hpos vpos mode) a routine for converting pascal strings into bitmaps: (string-to-bitmap the-string &optional the-font-spec) -> a bitmap SPECIFIC ROUTINE DESCRIPTIONS new-bitmap formal declaration: (new-bitmap width height) -> a bitmap arguments: width the width of the requested bitmap height the height of the requested bitmap return value: a pointer to a Bitmap data structure. if an error occurs, NULL is returned. description: new-bitmap creates a new bitmap pointer with the requested dimensions. The raster data is initialized to zeros, and if there is not enough memory to allocate the bitmap, NewBitMap will return NULL. example application: The following creates a new bitmap pointer 100 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall. (let (mybits) (setf mybits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ... ) notes: You can call #_DisposePtr to dispose of a bitmap pointer created by new-bitmap The routine kill-bitmap calls #_DisposePtr. kill-bitmap formal declaration: (kill-bitmap bitmap &rest other-bitmaps) arguments: one or more bitmaps return value: none. description: kill-bitmap disposes of bitmaps allocated by: new-bitmap, duplicate-bitmap, rotate-bitmap-right, rotate-bitmap-left, flip-bitmap-vertically, flip-bitmap-horizontally, rotate-bitmap, paint-bucket-bitmap, lasso-bitmap, trace-bitmap-edges, picture-to-bitmap, and-bitmaps, or-bitmaps, xor-bitmaps, complement-bitmap, or string-to-bitmap. It's your general all purpose bitmap disposal function. example application: The following creates a new bitmap pointer 100 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall and then disposes of it by calling kill-bitmap (let (mybits) (setf mybits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ... (kill-bitmap mybits)) notes: kill-bitmap simply calls #_DisposePtr. rotate-bitmap-right formal declaration: (rotate-bitmap-right bitmap) -> a bitmap arguments: bits a bitmap return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing the image from the bitmap pointer parameter rotated 90 degrees to the right. if an error occurs, rotate-bitmap-right will return the value NULL. description: rotate-bitmap-right creates a new bitmap containing the image stored in the parameter bitmap pointer rotated 90 degrees to the right. The resulting bitmap is appropriately sized: i.e. if the source bitmap is 100 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall, then the result bitmap pointer will be 200 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall. example application: The example creates a new bitmap pointer containing the image stored in the original bitmap rotated 90 degrees to the right before copying the image to the current grafport. (prog (the-bits rotated-bits) (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here (setf rotated-bits (rotate-bitmap-right the-bits)) (plot-bitmap rotated_bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) (kill-bitmap the-bits rotated-bits)) notes: rotate-bitmap-right takes advantage of certain addressing and indexing possibilities offered by the arrangement of the raster data in memory. It is faster than calling rotate-bitmap and specifying a 90 degree angle. rotate-bitmap-left formal declaration: (rotate-bitmap-left bitmap) -> a bitmap arguments: bits a bitmap pointer return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing the image from the bitmap pointer parameter rotated 90 degrees to the left. if an error occurs, rotate-bitmap-left will return the value NULL. description: rotate-bitmap-left creates a new bitmap containing the image stored in the parameter bitmap pointer rotated 90 degrees to the left. The resulting bitmap is appropriately sized: i.e. if the source bitmap is 100 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall, then the result bitmap pointer will be 200 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall. example application: The example creates a new bitmap pointer containing the image stored in the original bitmap rotated 90 degrees to the left before copying the image to the current grafport. (prog (the-bits rotated-bits) (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here (setf rotated-bits (rotate-bitmap-left the-bits)) (plot-bitmap rotated_bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) (kill-bitmap the-bits rotated-bits)) notes: rotate-bitmap-left takes advantage of certain addressing and indexing possibilities offered by the arrangement of the raster data in memory. It is faster than calling rotate-bitmap and specifying a -90 degree angle. flip-bitmap-vertically formal declaration: (flip-bitmap-vertically bitmap) -> a bitmap arguments: bits a bitmap pointer return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing the image from the bitmap pointer parameter flipped upside down. if an error occurs, flip-bitmap-vertically will return the value NULL description: flip-bitmap-vertically creates a new bitmap containing the image stored in the parameter bitmap pointer flipped upside down. The resulting bitmap will be the same size as the original image. example application: The example creates a new bitmap pointer containing the image stored in the original bitmap flipped upside down before copying the new flipped image to the current grafport. (prog (the-bits flippin-bits) (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here (setf flippin-bits (flip-bitmap-vertically the-bits)) (plot-bitmap flippin-bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) (kill-bitmap the-bits flippin-bits)) notes: none. flip-bitmap-horizontally formal declaration: (flip-bitmap-horizontally bitmap) -> a bitmap arguments: bits a bitmap pointer return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing the image from the bitmap pointer parameter flipped horizontally. if an error occurs, flip-bitmap-horizontally will return the value NULL. description: flip-bitmap-horizontally creates a new bitmap containing the image stored in the parameter bitmap pointer flipped horizontally. The resulting bitmap will be the same size as the original image. example application: The example creates a new bitmap pointer containing the image stored in the original bitmap flipped horizontally before copying the new flipped image to the current grafport. (prog (the-bits flippin-bits) (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here (setf flippin-bits (flip-bitmap-horizontally the-bits)) (plot-bitmap flippin-bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) (kill-bitmap the-bits flippin-bits)) notes: none. rotate-bitmap formal declaration: (rotate-bitmap bitmap h-center v-center angle) -> a bitmap arguments: bits a bitmap pointer cx the horizontal center of rotation cy the vertical center of rotation angle the angle (in degrees) to rotate the image. both positive and negative values are ok. This is an integer number. return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing the image from the bitmap pointer parameter rotated around the center cx and cy angle degrees. if an error occurs, rotate-bitmap will return the value NULL. description: rotate-bitmap creates a new bitmap containing the image from the parameter bitmap pointer rotated angle degrees about the center (cx, cy). The resultant bitmap will have the same dimensions as the parameter bitmap regardless of the angle specified. example application: The example creates a new bitmap pointer containing the image stored in the original bitmap rotated 35 degrees to the right before copying the rotated image to the current grafport. (prog (the-bits round-bits) (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here (setf round-bits (rotate-bitmap the-bits 50 50 35)) (plot-bitmap round-bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) (kill-bitmap the-bits round-bits)) notes: rotate-bitmap has a speedy implementation built on top of the fixed math routines. For more information about fixed math refer to the Mathematical and Logical Utilities chapter of Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities. duplicate-bitmap formal declaration: (duplicate-bitmap bitmap) -> a bitmap arguments: bits a bitmap pointer return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing an exact duplicate of the bitmap parameter. if an error occurs, duplicate-bitmap will return the value NULL. description: duplicate-bitmap creates a copy of the bitmap parameter. example application: In this example, we make a new bitmap, duplicate it, put it on the screen, and then dispose of the resulting bitmaps. (prog (the-bits extra-bits) (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here (setf extra-bits (duplicate-bitmap the-bits 50 50 35)) (plot-bitmap extra-bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) (kill-bitmap the-bits extra-bits)) notes: none. paint-bucket-bitmap formal declaration: (paint-bucket-bitmap bitmap h v) -> a bitmap arguments: bits a bitmap pointer h the horizontal position to start painting v the vertical position to start painting return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing an ones in every pixel where paint would not leak out starting from the point (h, v). if an error occurs, paint-bucket-bitmap will return the value NULL. description: paint-bucket-bitmap works like the paint bucket tool found in most graphical applications. It calls the routine SeedFill and to fill in the image information in the resulting bitmap pointer. example application: In this example, we make a new bitmap and create a mask bitmap using the paint-bucket-bitmap routine starting at the point (50,50). (prog (the-bits painted-bits) (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here (setf painted-bits (paint-bucket-bitmap the-bits 50 50)) (plot-bitmap painted-bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) (kill-bitmap the-bits painted-bits)) notes: paint-bucket-bitmap calls SeedFill. For further information about SeedFill refer to page 3-109 in the QuickDraw Drawing chapter of Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw. lasso-bitmap formal declaration: (lasso-bitmap bitmap) -> a bitmap arguments: bits a bitmap pointer return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing an ones in every pixel where paint would not leak in from the edges of the bitmap. if an error occurs, lasso-bitmap will return the value NULL. description: lasso-bitmap works like the lasso bucket tool found in most graphical applications. It calls the routine CalcMask and to fill in the image information in the resulting bitmap pointer. example application: In this example, we make a new bitmap and create a mask bitmap using the lasso-bitmap routine. (prog (the-bits lasso-bits) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here ;; create a mask for the image (setf lasso-bits (lasso-bitmap the-bits 50 50)) ;; plot the mask on the screen (plot-bitmap lasso-bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits lasso-bits)) notes: lasso-bitmap calls CalcMask. For further information about CalcMask refer to page 3-111 in the QuickDraw Drawing chapter of Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw. trace-bitmap-edges formal declaration: (trace-bitmap-edges bitmap) -> a bitmap arguments: bits a bitmap pointer return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing containing the original image with the edges traced. if an error occurs, trace-bitmap-edges will return the value NULL. description: trace-bitmap-edges performs the 'trace edges' command found in many graphical applications returning a new bitmap containing the traced image.. example application: In this example, we make a new bitmap and create a new bitmap containing the traced image. (prog (the-bits traced-bits) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here ;; create a mask for the image (setf traced-bits (trace-bitmap-edges the-bits)) ;; plot the new image on the screen (plot-bitmap traced-bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits traced-bits)) notes: none. equal-bitmaps formal declaration: (equal-bitmaps bitmap-a bitmap-b) -> T or NIL arguments: a a bitmap pointer b a bitmap pointer return value: T or NIL description: returns T if the two bitmaps are the same size and contain the same image content. returns NIL if either bitmap is NULL. example application: In this example, we make a new bitmap and create a two bitmaps and compare them by calling equal-bitmaps (prog (bitmap-one bitmap-two) ;; make some bitmaps (setf bitmap-one (new-bitmap 100 200)) (setf bitmap-two (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw some images on the bitmaps here (if (equal-bitmaps bitmap-one bitmap-two) (princ "the bitmaps, they are the same!") (princ "the bitmaps, they are not the same!")) (terpri) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap bitmap-one bitmap-two)) notes: equal-bitmaps takes into account that either bitmap may have different rowBytes values, and the possibility that garbage values may be stored in the unused bits off to the right of the boundary rectangle. picture-to-bitmap formal declaration: (picture-to-bitmap bitmap) -> a bitmap arguments: pic a handle to a QuickDraw picture return value: a newly created bitmap pointer containing a black and white representation of the image drawn by the quickdraw picture parameter. if an error occurs, picture-to-bitmap will return the value NULL. description: picture-to-bitmap creates a new bitmap pointer the using the size information provided in the QuickDraw picture pointer parameter and draws the picture in the bitmap before returning the bitmap. example application: In this example, we call GetPicture to retrieve a picture from a resource file and then we convert it to a bitmap by calling the routine picture-to-bitmap (prog (the-bits the-picture) ;; get a picture resource (setf the-picture (#_GetPicture 128)) ;; convert it into a bitmap (setf the-bits (picture-to-bitmap the-picture)) ;; plot the new image on the screen (plot-bitmap the-bits 0 0 #$srcCopy) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits)) notes: none. bitmap-to-picture formal declaration: (bitmap-to-picture bitmap) -> a picture handle arguments: bits a bitmap pointer return value: a handle to a QuickDraw picture. if an error occurs, the picture's picFrame will be an empty rectangle. description: bitmap-to-picture returns a QuickDraw picture that will draw the image stored in the bitmap. bitmap-to-picture is the inverse of picture-to-bitmap example application: In this example, we create a bitmap and convert it into a QuickDraw picture. (prog (the-bits the-picture) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 200)) ;; normally, we'd draw an image on the bitmap here ;; turn the bitmap into a picture (setf the-picture (bitmap-to-picture the-bits)) ;; store the picture to the clipboard or somewhere appropriate ... ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits)) notes: QuickDraw pictures are a good way to store image data. and-bitmaps formal declaration: (and-bitmaps bitmap-a bitmap-b) -> a bitmap arguments: a a bitmap pointer b a bitmap pointer return value: a bitmap pointer containing the logical result of ANDing the raster data from bitmap a with the raster data from bitmap b. if an error occurs, NULL is returned. description: and-bitmaps logically ANDs the raster data of two bitmap pointers returning a new bitmap pointer containing the result. The two parameter bitmaps must have identical dimensions. example application: In this example, we create two bitmaps and AND them together creating a third bitmap. (prog (a b c) ;; create a new bitmap (setf a (new-bitmap 100 100)) (setf b (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; normally, we'd draw into the bitmaps here ;; and the two bitmaps together (setf c (and-bitmaps a b)) ;; plot the new image on the screen (plot-bitmap c 0 0 #$srcCopy) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap a b c)) notes: useful for calculating the intersection of two sets of bits. or-bitmaps formal declaration: (or-bitmaps bitmap-a bitmap-b) -> a bitmap arguments: a a bitmap pointer b a bitmap pointer return value: a bitmap pointer containing the logical result of ORing the raster data from bitmap a with the raster data from bitmap b. if an error occurs, NULL is returned. description: or-bitmaps logically ORs the raster data of two bitmap pointers returning a new bitmap pointer containing the result. The two parameter bitmaps must have identical dimensions. example application: In this example, we create two bitmaps and OR them together creating a third bitmap. (prog (a b c) ;; create a new bitmap (setf a (new-bitmap 100 100)) (setf b (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; normally, we'd draw into the bitmaps here ;; and the two bitmaps together (setf c (or-bitmaps a b)) ;; plot the new image on the screen (plot-bitmap c 0 0 #$srcCopy) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap a b c)) notes: useful for calculating the union of two sets of bits. xor-bitmaps formal declaration: (xor-bitmaps bitmap-a bitmap-b) -> a bitmap arguments: a a bitmap pointer b a bitmap pointer return value: a bitmap pointer containing the logical result of XORing the raster data from bitmap a with the raster data from bitmap b. if an error occurs, NULL is returned. description: xor-bitmaps logically XORs the raster data of two bitmap pointers returning a new bitmap pointer containing the result. The two parameter bitmaps must have identical dimensions. example application: In this example, we create two bitmaps and XOR them together creating a third bitmap. (prog (a b c) ;; create a new bitmap (setf a (new-bitmap 100 100)) (setf b (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; normally, we'd draw into the bitmaps here ;; and the two bitmaps together (setf c (xor-bitmaps a b)) ;; plot the new image on the screen (plot-bitmap c 0 0 #$srcCopy) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap a b c)) notes: useful for calculating the difference of two sets of bits. complement-bitmap formal declaration: (complement-bitmap bitmap) -> a bitmap arguments: a a bitmap pointer return value: a bitmap pointer containing the logical result of complementing the raster data from bitmap a. if an error occurs, NULL is returned. description: complement-bitmap returns a new bitmap pointer containing the inverse of the raster image contained in the bitmap pointer a. example application: In this example, we create a bitmap and it's complement. (prog (a b) ;; create a new bitmap (setf a (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; normally, we'd draw into the bitmaps here ;; and the two bitmaps together (setf b (complement-bitmap a)) ;; plot the new image on the screen (plot-bitmap b 0 0 #$srcCopy) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap a b)) notes: useful for calculating the complement of a set of bits. test-bitmap-pixel formal declaration: (test-bitmap-pixel bitmap x y) -> T or NIL arguments: bits a bitmap pointer h the horizontal position of the pixel to test v the vertical position of the pixel to test return value: T if the pixel is 1, NIL if the pixel is 0. description: test-bitmap-pixel tests the value of the pixel at the location (h,v) returning T if the pixel is 1, and NIL if the pixel is zero. example application: In this example, we create a bitmap and test the pixel located at (25, 32). (prog (the-bits) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; normally, we'd draw into the bitmaps here ;; and the two bitmaps together (if (test-bitmap-pixel the-bits 25 32) (princ "The pixel has the value one!") (princ "The pixel has the value zero")) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits)) notes: attempting to test a point outside of the bitmap's bounds will produce unpredictable results. set-bitmap-pixel formal declaration: (set-bitmap-pixel bitmap hpos vpos) arguments: bits a bitmap pointer h the horizontal position of the pixel to set v the vertical position of the pixel to set return value: none. description: set-bitmap-pixel sets the value of the pixel at the location (h,v) to 1. example application: In this example, we create a bitmap and set the pixel located at (25, 32) to the value 1. (prog (the-bits) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; set the pixel (set-bitmap-pixel the-bits 25 32) ;; and the two bitmaps together (if (test-bitmap-pixel the-bits 25 32) (princ "The pixel has the value one!") (princ "The pixel has the value zero")) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits)) notes: attempting to set a pixel outside of the bitmap's bounds will produce unpredictable results and may even crash your computer by overwriting something important like the operating system or your program or something like that. clear-bitmap-pixel formal declaration: (clear-bitmap-pixel bitmap hpos vpos) arguments: bits a bitmap pointer h the horizontal position of the pixel to set v the vertical position of the pixel to set return value: none. description: clear-bitmap-pixel clears the value of the pixel at the location (h,v) to 0. example application: In this example, we create a bitmap and set the pixel located at (25, 32) to the value 0. (prog (the-bits) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; set the pixel (clear-bitmap-pixel the-bits 25 32) ;; and the two bitmaps together (if (test-bitmap-pixel the-bits 25 32) (princ "The pixel has the value one!") (princ "The pixel has the value zero")) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits)) notes: attempting to clear a pixel outside of the bitmap's bounds will produce unpredictable results and may even crash your computer by overwriting something important like the operating system or your program or something like that. toggle-bitmap-pixel formal declaration: (toggle-bitmap-pixel bitmap x y) -> T or NIL arguments: bits a bitmap pointer h the horizontal position of the pixel to set v the vertical position of the pixel to set return value: a boolean value indicating the state of the pixel after the toggle operation. i.e. if the pixel is set to the value 1, T is returned. If the pixel is set to the value 0, NIL is returned. description: BitMapToggle inverts the value of the pixel at the location (h,v) returning T if the pixel is set to 1 or NIL if the pixel is set to 0. example application: In this example, we create a bitmap and invert the pixel located at (25, 32). (prog (the-bits) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; and the two bitmaps together (if (toggle-bitmap-pixel the-bits 25 32) (princ "The pixel has the value one!") (princ "The pixel has the value zero")) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits)) notes: attempting to toggle a pixel outside of the bitmap's bounds will produce unpredictable results and may even crash your computer by overwriting something important like the operating system or your program or something like that. with-focused-bitmap formal declaration: (with-focused-bitmap bitmap {form}*) -> bitmap arguments: bitmap a bitmap pointer {form}* forms executed that draw into the bitmap return value: the bitmap parameter is returned description: with-focused-bitmap is a macro facility that sets up the drawing environment such that any drawing commands in the statement following the macro instantiation will draw into the bitmap provided as the first parameter. example application: In this example, we create a bitmap and use the with-focused-bitmap macro to do some drawing in it. (prog (the-bits) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; draw into the bitmap (with-focused-bitmap (the-bits) (#_MoveTo 10 10) (#_LineTo 90 90)) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits)) notes: none. plot-bitmap formal declaration: (plot-bitmap bitmap hpos vpos mode) arguments: bits a bitmap pointer h the horizontal location where the bitmap is drawn v the horizontal location where the bitmap is drawn mode transfer mode passed to copybits return value: none. description: plot-bitmap provides a simple interface for drawing a bitmap in the current grafport. The bitmap is drawn with the top left corner aligned with the point (h,v) using the indicated transfer mode. mode is one of: #$srcCopy #$srcOr #$srcXor #$srcBic #$notSrcCopy #$notSrcOr #$notSrcXor #$notSrcBic #$patCopy #$patOr #$patXor #$patBic #$notPatCopy #$notPatOr #$notPatXor #$notPatBic example application: In this example, we create a bitmap and use the WithBitMap macro to do some drawing in it, and then we copy the result to the current grafport at the location (75, 23) using the plot-bitmap routine. (prog (the-bits) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (new-bitmap 100 100)) ;; draw into the bitmap (with-focused-bitmap (the-bits) (#_MoveTo 10 10) (#_LineTo 90 90)) ;; draw it on the screen (plot-bitmap the-bits 75 23 #$srcCopy) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits)) notes: plot-bitmap calls CopyBits. string-to-bitmap formal declaration: (string-to-bitmap the-string &optional the-font-spec) -> a bitmap arguments: the-string a string the-font-spec an optional font specification return value: a bitmap pointer description: string-to-bitmap converts the string pointed to by s into a bitmap drawing the string onto an appropriately sized bitmap for the given font specification string-to-bitmap is useful for converting strings to bitmap so rotation can be applied with rotate-bitmap-left or rotate-bitmap-right before it is displayed. string-to-bitmap preserves the current grafport. if the-font-spec is not provided, the system font will be used. example application: In this example, we create a bitmap pointer containing the string "Hello World" (using bold, underlined, 24 point geneva font), rotate it 90 degrees to the right, and draw the result in the current grafport at the location (110,34) using the plot-bitmap routine. (prog (the-bits rotated-bits) ;; create a new bitmap (setf the-bits (string-to-bitmap "Hello World" '("Geneva" 24 :bold :underline))) ;; rotate the string (setf rotated-bits (rotate-bitmap-right the-bits)) ;; draw it on the screen (plot-bitmap rotated-bits 110 34 #$srcCopy) ;; recover the storage (kill-bitmap the-bits rotated-bits)) notes: none. get-bitmap-width formal declaration: (get-bitmap-width bitmap) -> the width arguments: bitmap a bitmap return value: the width of the bitmap description: get-bitmap-width is a convenience routine that returns the width of a bitmap. notes: none. get-bitmap-height formal declaration: (get-bitmap-height bitmap) -> the height arguments: bitmap a bitmap return value: the height of the bitmap description: get-bitmap-width is a convenience routine that returns the height of a bitmap. notes: none. file BitMapLisp.txt Copyright (C) 1996 by John Montbriand. All Rights Reserved. end of file